Frequently Asked 

Everything you need to know about World Dance Masters Live

  • How will the live stream work?

    We'll be running 2 separate live streams throughout the event - one for Social & Workshops and the other for Competition from the Empress Ballroom.

    You can choose to purchase access to just one stream or both.

    The Competition stream will broadcast live for all competition sessions. You'll get an amazing broadcast from multiple HD cameras.

    The Social stream will be a mix between workshops and social dancing. 

    We'll also be going live throughout the weekend during social hours so you can dance along with us at home!

  • How do I pay to watch?

    Click the links above based on which package you'd like to purchase, then come back during the event and watch!

    Each stream requires a login to watch. If you purchase access to both streams, once you have logged in, you'll be able to watch either stream by clicking between them.

    Sign-up is by email only this year. Remember the email address you signed-up with!

    You'll be able to watch on 1 device from one IP address to watch live but the chat feature is a separate login that you can open on an additional device. Your login is unique to you.

    Our website is fully secure and your payment details are processed by Stripe. No details are held by World Dance Masters.

  • What if I can't watch live? Can I watch on-demand?

    Yes! Each session will be saved as a video to watch 'on-demand'. 

    When we are not streaming live, you will be able to login and see a playlist of all individual workshops or sessions to watch in your own time. Each workshop or session will be named so you can quickly and easily find it.

    Content will be available to watch for up to one month after the event.

  • Can I pay and watch on just 1 day?

    We only offer full weekend access to the content.

  • Do I need a Facebook account?

    No Facebook account is necessary. All streaming is hosted directly through our website.

  • Do I need certain hardware or internet access?

    You will be required to have an internet connection in order to watch any of the live streams. We recommend a broadcast connection of at least 2MB/s.

    Check with your internet provider prior to signing up. We'll only be able to refund where technical issues are on our side and the live streams are down for more than 50% of the schedule.

    We also recommend Google Chrome web browser to watch the live streams.

  • Is there a schedule?

    Absolutely. The schedule will be listed on each 'WDM Live' page. Remember, there is a specific schedule for live stream.

    For 2023, we are testing running two live streams for Social & Workshops - our normal one from the Spanish Hall and a second one from the Arena. This will give you access to all workshops taking place.

    Both streams will be hosted on the Social Live page. You will be able to pick which workshop you want to watch, but remember to pause of mute the other stream so you don't have them both running over the top of each other!

  • Will I be able to watch every division and workshop?

    For the competition, every division will be streamed live as they happen.

    For workshops, there will be a full virtual schedule but the workshops. This year we are testing running all workshops simultaneously so you can pick and choose from the Spanish Hall or the Arena. This is an added benefit free of charge for those purchasing Social or All Access plans.

    For both streams, once a live session ends, you'll be able to watch it back on-demand in your own time until the end of August 2023.

  • How long will I be able to watch on-demand?

    You will have exclusive access to all content until 31 August 2022.

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